mskcc.oncotree - Interface to the 'OncoTree' API
Programmatic access to 'OncoTree' API <>. Get access to tumor main types, identifiers and utility routines to map across to other tumor classification systems.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.48 score 6 stars 7 scripts 229 downloadsquincunx - REST API Client for the 'PGS' Catalog
Programmatic access to the 'PGS' Catalog. This package provides easy access to 'PGS' Catalog data by accessing the REST API <>.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.10 score 14 stars 18 scripts 231 downloadsagvgd - An R Implementation of the 'Align-GVGD' Method
'Align-GVGD' ('A-GVGD') is a method to predict the impact of 'missense' substitutions based on the properties of amino acid side chains and protein multiple sequence alignments <doi:10.1136/jmg.2005.033878>. 'A-GVGD' is an extension of the original 'Grantham' distance to multiple sequence alignments. This package provides an alternative R implementation to the web version found on <>.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.00 score 2 stars 7 scripts 300 downloadsgrantham - Calculate the 'Grantham' Distance
A minimal set of routines to calculate the 'Grantham' distance <doi:10.1126/science.185.4154.862>. The 'Grantham' distance attempts to provide a proxy for the evolutionary distance between two amino acids based on three key chemical properties: composition, polarity and molecular volume. In turn, evolutionary distance is used as a proxy for the impact of missense mutations. The higher the distance, the more deleterious the substitution is expected to be.
Last updated 7 months ago
2.78 score 4 stars 1 dependents 7 scripts 313 downloads